And another week has gone by with no orders, and a very expensive week. I had to buy a new laptop today and it feels a little gutting having to part with so much of the money I’ve made since June 23 but I’m trying to rework it in my head and say that it’s actually so awesome I have the money there and am able to purchase it outright like I have, my current laptop has lasted almost 10 years so this one should hopefully do the same. There were lots of positives outside of just no orders too! I’ve been very lucky to be a part of a giveaway alongside two other businesses and an influencer who is promoting it which has been incredible for engagement, I’ve never had so many new followers come along in such a short time span and another win is the product I’ve been developing, I’ve had the idea for ages but finally acted on it as I was feeling like I needed to act rather than just get upset about not having orders. The feedback has been really cool - I’ve got to just bite the bullet set a date I want it live and go for it! Short and sweet this week, feeling the pregnancy today and working on just being ok with being ‘chill’. Oh actually lastly I reached out to an artist Ellie Compton, who has ‘made’ it in my eyes, she works full time as an artist and I’m so glad I did she said from conversations with other artists that a lot a finding it tough at the moment. It’s obviously not great for all of us but it is comforting knowing we aren’t alone. Ellie also said it took her something like 7 years to get to where she is today. Ok now time to get into it! Email me if you’re keen to chat. It’s a lot nicer going about entrepreneurship with others who are in the same boat!

What I Did:

Monday: Posted a prepared reel and a random post

Tuesday: Listed some product ideas out and did some costing for product viability

Wednesday: Bleeeh day only really posted to instagram my drawing challenge and did more product research

Thursday: Posted to instagram, sent off product samples to sample testers that I reached out for, also signed up to skillshare and watched Mimi Purnells’ skillshare course

Friday: Had a go with marketing cafes’ ecommerce calculator, got in a bit of a rut!****

Saturday: Started Jamie Smiths skillshare course****

Sunday: Absolutely nothing apart from making a story to share the website link for orders

What I Learnt:

Feeling directionless at the moment, I am still just trailing different things and hoping they will work. From conversations with Ellie and watching Mimi’s skillshare the main message is to just keep going and eventually things will compound - so in a way I think thats what I’ve learnt this week?

What I Spent:

Costs are all in NZD and are from the week just been. 11 - 17 March, 2024

  • Tax Hold - $22

  • Profit Hold - $14.95

  • Annual Return - $57.20

  • Shopify App (Upload lift) - $17.13

  • Noel Leeming (New Laptop) - $3,079

Total: $3,190.28

What I Earned:


Next weeks focus:

  • Deciding on a deadline for new product and detailing out tasks to do in order to get it live

  • Influencer outreach

Hopefully having a date to work towards with the new product will give some more direction this week! Gotta keep at it and trust that it will work out just as it’s meant to

With love,





ENTRY THIRTY THREE: Entrepreneurship