What a beautiful week - we were down in Queenstown and just arrived back this evening. Our countryside here in Aotearoa is something else. I’m so grateful for all our travel and how much more appreciative I am of what we have here. There really is no place like home. Work wise I set up a valentines day promotion, which brought in two orders. The payout from shopify won’t technically come through until Feb but if that wasn’t the case I would’ve generated around $570 revenue this month, which is pretty awesome - it goes to show that momentum really is starting to build! I honestly thought I’d have next to no orders with it being January. Something I learnt from this week is that I really need structure, for when it’s quieter and I don’t have orders to work on. (The orders only came through yesterday) I said it right at the start of this journey. That I need to work on creating more structure - and I think what I mean by that is routine and things to that I can continue to work on regardless of the orders I have. So on that note lets get into this weeks entry!

As always, I welcome any feedback, support or questions you may have. Find me on Instagram @simplestudios__

What I Did:

Monday: Created and posted an Instagram about my new drawing challenge and replied to a customer enquiry

Tuesday: Drawing challenge, videoed it and made a YouTube as well as created all supporting content, used chat gpt to help come up with valentines campaign ideas and made Instagram stories

Wednesday: Watched a YouTube video for Valentines campaign help (It wasn’t very helpful)

Thursday: Tried researching about soft 404s and how to fix it.****

Friday: Valentines deal, discount code set up on shopify and created and posted Instagram posts

Saturday: Nothing!

Sunday: Nothing

What I Learnt:

I received a email from google saying I have a website indexing issue called ‘Soft 404’ - my understanding is that a standard 404 means I’ve deleted a previous page and it now no longer exists. Like from products I’ve created and no longer sell and google as a result gets that same message and knows not to index it. However a soft 404 still shows the same to viewers - that the page isn’t there, but the difference is, is that google doesn’t know not to index it. So although I learnt what it is and that it’s bad because it effects my website SEO (Search engine optimisation) I didn’t get to a conclusion of how to fix it. SEO it still a very overwhelming area for me. So if you know of anyone who could help me with SEO or specifically soft 404s please put them in touch!

What I Spent:

Costs are all in NZD and are from the week just been. 22 - 28, January, 2024

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Student subscription) - $25.19

  • Site Host (Website domain for two years) - $103.00

Total: $128.19

What I Earned:


Next weeks focus:

  • Overall business planning

  • Drawing Challenge

Still working on developing more structure/routine and also the drawing challenge! Have a great week

Love Sam x


